Made in the USA since 1991
Hot & Cold Herbal Therapy Neck Wraps
Spas, Salons, Yoga, Massage Therapy, Promotions, Gifts and Giveaways
Indulge in the warm, soothing aroma of chamomile, cinnamon, and fresh-cut mint.
$9.95 ea (14 per case) Sug. Retail $19.95 - $29.95 ea
Ultra Silky Satin Neck Wraps 14pcs
Organic Cotton Neck Wraps 14pcs

Product Description
Hot Therapy - Microwave It. Heat lasts 45 minutes.
Cold Therapy - Freeze It. Place in freezer bag, store in freezer for several hours.
U-shaped design fits the contour of the neck and shoulders.
USA Herb Pack Healing Comfort Neck Wraps suggested retail price $19.95- $29.95
Stays in place while walking, sitting at your desk or standing.
Eases neck and shoulder tension.
Flexible, so it wraps and contours to any body part, hands, knees, elbows, etc.
Mist with water when heating for moist penetrating heat.
Use cold to reduce swelling or body temperature.
Exclusive 100% Natural 12 Herb Blend and Organic Flax Seed.
Fabric options:
Ultra Silky Satin - Feels just like silk yet extremely durable. Available in 8 luxurious glistening jewel tone colors.
100% Organic Cotton - Durable yet soft and comforting.
Available Scented or Unscented.
Made in the USA
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